Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Quiddage Writing

"Quiddage! Yippee!", everyone would shout at 11:00am every Friday.

The atmosphere is just fantastic! Everyone is so excited but not too over the top about it, there's a great "lift" in everyone's personality and we're all here for the same reason; to have FUN!!
And that's exactly it; FUN!!

Our shop; L@ Soupers, is always SOOOOOOO busy, we have customers everywhere! And it's even harder when us four girls (Luce, Zia, Grace and I) are all Bank Tellers as well.
But I don't mind it's all doing us lots of good and teaching us how to spend and save our money in the BIG, WIDE WORLD, and like I said before it gives us all HUGE thrills nearly as big as ones you get at Disney Land.

Anyway that's just one of heaps of awesome things about QZealand!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dialogue Writing

"Hey Binky, what are you up to today?" asked Pip in a voice that suggested she was up to something yet again.
"Um...Well I havn't decided if I am yet, it depends on what you're planning", replied Binky looking slightly worried.
"OK, listen up!"
"Riiiiight", Binky paused "Carry on."
"Well I was thinking..................................................We could go on a waterslide in the other Llama's paddock!"
"Have you thought of how we are going to make it exactly?"
"Have you thought of how we're going to get down there without the grumpy old farmer seeing us because you know what happens if he does?"
"Have you thought about that we have no water to do it with?"
"Well that was kinda stupid then wasn't it?"
"OK, I'll help you make the waterslide if you promise me that I don't have to go down it. Deal?"
"Oh Pip, stop being so difficult for once!"
"Fine, if you help, you don't have to go down", Pip huffed
“Good. Lets get to it. Pip, with your hoofs you need to dig a long hole that goes all the way down OUR hill”
“And I’ll go and watch for the grumpy old farmer”
“Alright! Lets have some fun!”

Athletics Writing

As I jog up to the starting line of our first activity, Sprints, I'm feeling nervous but excited because I have no idea where I'm going to come.

All of a sudden I hear a loud "Clap", woops I'm supposed to be running.
"Come on, come on!" I'm thinking as I start to motor and catch up with the others.
"Man, I never knew I could sprint so fast. Oh, there's the finish line. Yes!! I came 2nd, that means I'm into the semi-finals."

Now we're on to my favourite; Long Jump. It was over so quickly, literally all I did was run and jump.
Now that was a definate 3 for me, so off I potter and plonk down behind the 3.

Next is Shotput, unfortunately my least favourite.
"Oh no, these are the heaviest things ever!" I thought as I was trying to hold it in one hand.
Finally my arm went dead so I eventually managed to throw it.
"Two!" shouted Mrs Wiggins.
So, you know what happened next.

After Long Distance and Discus it was my next favourite; Hurdles.
Yet again the clappers went and this time I was actually awake.
"Huh, Slap, Huh, Slap!" was all I heard from my fellow competitors as I was leaping. When I crossed the line Mr McNaught yelled "Maddy and Ana."
Which meant I was into the semi-finals.

Now...For the most AWESOME one of all................................................HIGH JUMP!!!
I rushed over to the right hand side ready to go.
"First", TC announced "We'll start with 75cm."
"Oh, I was hoping it would be a little bit higher than that", I thought.
And as I said before I hardly even had to run to get over it.
The next level was 90cm.
"Yay! I made it over."
Next is my favourite level 1m.
"Ok, I've got to make this one. Here I go."
I run, I jump and I................................................................Make it!!
"Wohoo", I yell.

Athletics day was really cool. I reckon it was the best athletics day I've ever had at Riverdale!!:)